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Most of all, it’s SUPER SECRET! Send secret messages encoded in a picture!

Load a picture from your photo library, take a picture with your camera or select a background of random noise. They all become the canvas on which you will create your Boo. Highlight elements of the picture, write some text, draw whatever expresses the message you wish to convey. When you are done sneakABoo will use the dense subpixel information in the background picture to encode your message to a degree that is impossible to decode without the app. Your encoded Boo can then be sent via message or mail to anyone else who has sneakABoo.

When you receive a Boo, simply tap on the sneakABoo icon in your message or email and use the share button to open the Boo directly in sneakABoo. Scan the sneakABoo window over the picture with your finger and your super-secret message will be decoded and revealed as the window passes over.

Take the secrecy to the next level by sending a Stealth Boo. A Stealth Boo is sent independently from its encoding image. The image required to decode the message may be sent separately, or even downloaded from a remote location or anywhere on the internet.

You can save all of your Boos (which are data objects, not pictures) as well as pictures of your partially of fully revealed Boos. You can daisy chain Boos together by using the picture of a revealed Boo as the background for a new Boo.

You can be as social or as private as you choose to be with sneakABoo.